Friday 1 January 2016

Harrismith - Mount Everest Game Park

We left Jo’burg this morning, heading for Harrismith on our way to Durban.  Good drive, saw lots of crazy things on the way – eg: a smashed car on the side of the road with a sign on it “Speed kills” or something similar; a van with about 15 people in it instead of the usual 5; a ute with mattresses stacked so high with not much rope to hold them in place; mothers & children waiting at the toll booth hoping to catch a lift.  But I would never have guessed that it would be as green as it has been.  Very lovely spot to get out of the city & head for the hills where Jeff has actually booked us in for the night.
Mount Everest Game Park is our stop for the night – OMG!  What an incredible place this is – right at the foothills of Drakensburg mountains.  Spectacular place – we wish we could have stayed longer! 

Views of the Drakensburg mountains near Mount Everest Game park

Reception at the game park - inside they have heads of stuffed animals - not a big fan so I didn't get any pics
Along the highway, we saw the poor part of town on our left (see below) and the nice part of town on our right.  But in the midst of the doom & gloom of it - all the kids seem to be having fun!

 This wa our cabin for the night at Mount Everest game park - stunning views....

The activities for the afternoon was painball which was super awesome.  We started off with 50 balls, had so much fun that we decided to pay for another 50!  $20 for 300 balls - it's crazy!  Chloe was going off her nut - bang, bang, bang, bang!  We did have tin cans for our target - it was so much fun.
The other activity was a 30min game drive around the farm - spectacular.  We saw zebra's (too far away to get a pic), impala's, wilderbeest (they have borrowed a boy wilderbeest to produce - they have already had a baby from this, so he will be going back to his owner soon), cows (which they milk), horses (one of the men trains them) & gazelle's.

A short drive from our cabin, they have this incredible little watering hole that you can swim in - with a zip line.  They call it a "foofi" - was tons of fun..


See you all in Durban - & to see in 2016!

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