Monday 25 January 2016

Knysna via Jeffreys Bay

Another beautiful day, and we arrive at this beaut place - Along the way we stopped into Jeffreys Bay (J Bay) - factory outlet shopping for Jeff at Billabong.  Way cheap prices!

Shipping container painted very pretty

Ocean view of J Bay - still left from Christmas

Our accommodation for the night was at Brenton House at Brenton on Sea - just outside of Kynsna.  Beaut spot - great views of the ocean and stunning house - this was our room for the night:

Our view from the balcony from the sliding doors of our room
Front view of Brenton House
Another view from our balcony - the pool is on the left on ground floor
The afternoon we went for a little ponder down to the beach area where we drew in the sand, played chase, dodged the waves (cause we were going to a restaurant for tea) and watched the kids play.  Now, if you knew you were going to a restaurant & didn't want to get wet, you would assume you would only get your feet wet right?  Well, I (Lisa) actually got caught by surprise by a wave that was bigger than expected & was far wetter than I would like to have been & it looked like I pee'd my pants! hahahaha

Nevertheless, we went to the restaurant both wet & dry, enjoyed a lovely meal overlooking the sunset:

The following day we went on a little boat trip to see the Knysna Channel/the Heads of Knysna - it's where the ocean meets the rivers - the salt mixes with the fresh water.  We didn't go very far because the further you head out, the more dangerous it gets for smaller boats to pass through (and I didn't fancy a dip)


Some of the very rich people of Knysna live on the banks - here are some of the views of their houses/mansions that they live in.  I can't tell you any of their names, but they are high profile people, all have helpers, maids etc (& yes, they are black people) - and most would have their own accommodation on-site.  Very pretty views.


Next stop - Mossel Baai

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