Monday 4 January 2016

Umtata (Mthatha)

Nelson Mandela's home - it was closed so we couldn't go to have a look, but we spent the afternoon in the pool at Kingfisher Lodge where our stop is for the night.

Beautiful place - we were the only guests for the night, so the owner invited us for a Braai (bbq) - with salad & toasted sandwiches.  It was gorgeous.

Kingfisher Lodge -where we stayed for the night
Our room for the night
Water was so nice & cool after a 6hr drive

The back patio of the Lodge - so beautiful & cool.

Jeff playing a tune before we got back in the car for another drive
When we left Durban, the landscape was so green, then along the way, it was so barren, dry & hot.  African's walk, & when I say that - I mean they "walk"....  The houses could be km's away from the main hwy/road, but they walk to hoping to get a ride to either the next town or to another city. I'm still amazed at just how much they walk.   These next set of pics are just random, taken along the way to Umtata - people trying to get a lift by the side of the road, & a few towns we went through, so I can't really comment on any of them - just enjoy them!




Most houses/huts are made of concrete - but some are also made from tin.  I'm just guessing it would be stiffling hot in there on a hot day??

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