Monday 28 December 2015

Farewell Jo'burg

Today we leave Johannesburg & head for the country.  Our stop today is in Ladysmith - heading towards Durban.

Yesterday we spent our last day shopping at Sandton City shopping centre - Chloe was the shopper of the night.  Clothes are really cheap, except Superdry bahhhaa :-(

We also spent most of the day at Gold Reef City Theme Park & Casino.  Was a great day.  Cheap as chips to get in ($20) each, and $5 for each photo.  South Africans think it's expensive, but I guess it's all down to their wages.

Here are some photo's:

 On our way home, we stopped at a set of lights and saw this:

This lady was fas asleep in the middle isle of the street, with her baby next to her (you can just see the feet of the baby) - we see this quite alot here - we are so lucky!

1 comment:

  1. Chloe why all the straight faces? Well I guess your still smiling oddly for the camera.
