Saturday 26 December 2015

RadissonBlu Gautrain

The first thing I need to say is that Chloe was sick on the plane!  Overtired, lack of food - she was vomiting as we were decending into Jo'burg.  She thought it was from jetlag, but it got us through immigration quicker as she was looking a bit pale (I told her to sit at the end of the line and wait for us and the lady directing passengers pushed us through - thank you!) The next was walking into the wrong hotel (it was amazing) and me almost getting stuck in the lift doors...

So, after a 14 hour flight to Doha (Hamad International in Qatar - which is a country of it's own - learnt something new today!), and a bit of a rush to the next gate for boarding the next 8 hour flight to Johannesburg, WE ARE IN AFRICA!!!!

First impressions of Africa - WOW!  Driving to the hotel has opened up my eyes - electric fences on top of gates/walls, dodgy solar hot water panels on top roofs everywhere - it sure is a different feel. Blokes & big momma's at traffic lights wanting to wash your windscreen to make a few bucks, cars running red lights everywhere, no real speed limit, I feel so sad already for the poor.

The RadissonBlu Gautrain in Sandton, Jo'burg is our home for the next few days.  Lovely hotel - nice outdoor pool on the 3rd floor overlooking the shopping centre Chloe & I are keen to look at tomorrow.  We are also keen to do the double-decker sightseeing bus as well, looking forward to seeing more of Jo'burg & Soweto tomorrow.

Goodnight - hope everyone had a great Christmas...  xxx

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