Monday 7 December 2015

Ready for take-off

17 more days to go until Christmas, and 17 more days till we take off to South Africa via Doha - flying with Qatar airlines.
We are all getting pretty excited - flights are well & truely booked and payed for, hotels are booked & paid for, Kruger National Park booked & waiting to be paid off, Sun City day tour done, flights from Cape Town to Jo'burg booked & paid for, car hire done, accommodation done, gifts ready to be given to host families, hot air balloon ride booked (I'm praying that we have good weather for our last day before we fly home). 
But more importantly, spending money has been raised.  We have worked our ass's off (not sure about Jeff, but I've worked my ass off getting loads of shifts) and can do anything we want to without worrying that we don't have enough. It's an awesome feeling!
Nelson Mandela (Chloe - aka: Morgan Freeman) - I can't wait to see your country..

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